Elijah Buerk
Why apply for the scholarship?
No one should dare hesitate to pursue their dreams. I have fought through many hardships and difficulties this year, and yet I am more fulfilled now than ever. That being said, no one should give up developing their career just because of finances; you have every reason to apply for this scholarship. I assure you that you will not regret it.
My Story
The Chad Beguelin Fine Arts Scholarship has been one of the most valued contributions I have ever received. Without it, I simply would not have been able to attend the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Going to this school has developed both my technical proficiency in music as well as my overall thoughtfulness. I have even taken non-music courses here that have contributed to my personal growth; for example, the leadership class I took has put me several steps closer to fulfilling my ideal of conducting. This year, I have both been in and attended dozens of performances, and I have never felt that I had spoken the language of music so proficiently. One could very well attend any of the several performances per day and expect laughs and tears all together in less than an hour. This is music. Real people with real things to say and souls to heal. The sheer number of passionate colleagues I have met is innumerable, unquantifiable. I simply cannot put a price on how much the scholarship has affected me.